無料問題集L4M1 資格取得
質問 1:
What is the purpose of a CSR policy? What elements should it contain and how can a buyer evaluate a potential suppliers CSR policy? (25 points)
See the solution inExplanation partbelow.
How to approach this question
- There are three questions within this question. The purpose could be your introduction, and then take two big sections in the main body of your essay for the elements and how to evaluate it.
Example Essay
A Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) policy serves as a formal commitment by a company to conduct its business in a socially responsible and sustainable manner. The purpose of a CSR policy is to outline the organization's dedication to ethical practices, environmental stewardship, and social contributions. It reflects a company's commitment to going beyond mere profit generation and actively engaging in initiatives that benefit society and the environment.
Elements of a CSR Policy:
1. Ethical Business Practices:
Clearly articulated principles on fair business dealings, anti-corruption measures, and adherence to ethical standards in all operations.
2. Environmental Sustainability:
Commitments to minimize environmental impact through sustainable practices, energy efficiency, waste reduction, and responsible sourcing of materials.
3. Social Responsibility:
Efforts to contribute positively to the community, which may include support for education, healthcare, poverty alleviation, or other social initiatives.
4. Labor Practices:
Fair and ethical treatment of employees, including non-discrimination, fair wages, safe working conditions, and respect for workers' rights.
5. Supply Chain Responsibility:
A commitment to ensuring that suppliers and partners adhere to similar ethical and CSR standards, promoting responsible practices throughout the entire supply chain.
6. Transparency and Accountability:
Open disclosure of CSR initiatives, performance, and impacts, demonstrating a commitment to transparency and being accountable for CSR goals.
7. Stakeholder Engagement:
A pledge to engage with and consider the interests of various stakeholders, including employees, customers, communities, and shareholders, in decision-making processes.
Evaluating a Supplier's CSR Policy:
Assessing a potential supplier's CSR policy involves a comprehensive examination of key factors to ensure alignment with ethical and responsible business practices:
1. Policy Content:
Review the content of the CSR policy to ensure it covers a broad spectrum of social, environmental, and ethical aspects. A comprehensive policy reflects a commitment to holistic CSR practices.
2. Alignment with Industry Standards:
Check if the CSR policy aligns with industry-specific standards and best practices. Adherence to recognized standards, such as the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) or ISO 26000, indicates a commitment to global CSR norms.
3. Performance Metrics:
Evaluate whether the supplier includes measurable performance metrics in their CSR policy. Clear objectives and key performance indicators (KPIs) demonstrate a commitment to continual improvement and accountability.
4. Stakeholder Engagement:
Assess how the supplier engages with stakeholders. A robust CSR policy should involve stakeholders in decision-making processes and demonstrate an understanding of their concerns.
5. Supply Chain Responsibility:
Check if the supplier extends CSR principles to its supply chain. This involves ensuring that suppliers and partners adhere to ethical, environmental, and social standards, contributing to a responsible and sustainable supply chain.
6. Transparency and Reporting:
Look for transparency in reporting. A supplier that openly communicates about its CSR initiatives, achievements, and challenges indicates a commitment to accountability and transparency.
7. Continuous Improvement:
Evaluate if the supplier emphasizes a commitment to continuous improvement in its CSR policy. This indicates a dynamic approach to addressing emerging challenges and staying ahead of evolving CSR expectations.
By thoroughly examining these aspects, a buyer can gain insights into a potential supplier's commitment to corporate social responsibility and make informed decisions that align with their own CSR objectives and values.
Tutor Notes
- Students often ask if they can use bullet points in their essays. Many tutors say no, but the answer is actually more nuanced than that. I've purposefully written the above in bullet points to show you how it can be done effectively. Bullet points are fine, providing you're using full sentences and it makes sense as a stylistic choice. It's not a good option if you're just going to list things without context. Then it can be hard to follow.
I've personally used bullet points in essays and done really well. There's no rule against it. You've just got to make sure you're doing it 'right'.
- CSR policies are only briefly mentioned in LO 2.4 but it does come up as quite a big topic in other parts of the syllabus so is worth knowing. You could mention some examples of big companies and what their stance on CSR is. A good one to look at is The Body Shop.
- The study guide references Carroll's Pyramid - this would be great to include in your essay Carroll's CSR Pyramid explained: Theory, Examples and Criticism (toolshero.com) p.112
質問 2:
Describe the main characteristics of, and differences between, procuring goods, services and construction works (25 points)
See the solution inExplanation partbelow.
- there are a lot of components to this question so I would take a good 5 minutes to write out some bullet points on the characteristics of each one, and on some differences. Then from your notes make this into an essay. The mark scheme isn't 100% clear on how many characteristics and differences you need to name, so try and keep an equal split between the two areas. You would probably need 2-3 characteristics of each, and 3 differences for a good score.
- Characteristics of goods: tangible, homogeneous, items tend not to perish quickly, can be stored
- Characteristics of services: intangible, heterogenous, inseparable (produced and consumed at the same time), no transfer of ownership, perish upon use (i.e. cannot be stored)
- Characteristics of construction work: project-based procurement, includes procuring both goods and services, complex procurement which has its own set of regulations (CDM2015).
- Differences between these
1) goods are not usually outsourced and services can be.
2) Complexity of the supply chain (goods and construction may have a complex supply chains, but service contracts usually only involve 2 parties).
3) Timescales - construction work has a designated timescale but procurement of goods could be a one off or long-term contract, services is usually a long-term contract.
Example Essay
Procurement is a multifaceted field, and understanding the nuances between procuring goods, services, and construction works is pivotal for effective management. This essay explores the main characteristics that differentiate these categories.
Tangible / Intangible:
Goods are tangible items that can be physically seen and touched. For instance, raw materials like wheat and sugar in a manufacturing organization are tangible goods. On the other hand, services are intangible-though the results can be observed, the service itself cannot be touched. An example is a cleaning contract for a factory; while the effects of the cleaning are visible, the service itself remains intangible. Construction is usually a mixture of tangible and intangible procurement; the tangible is the construction materials such as bricks and windows, and the intangible aspect is the labour to complete the project.
Heterogeneous / Homogeneous:
Goods are generally homogeneous, meaning they are always the same. For example, steel purchased for manufacturing purposes will always be the same. In contrast, services areheterogeneous, varying each time they are rendered. Customer service, for instance, is inherently different each time due to the dynamic nature of customer interactions. Construction could be either heterogeneous or homogeneous depending on the project - is it a one off unique building, or is it a large housing estate of same-build properties?
Transfer of Ownership:
When goods are procured, there is a transfer of ownership. The product becomes the property of the buyer upon delivery and payment. In contrast, services do not involve a transfer of ownership as there is no physical entity to transfer. In construction the transfer of ownership is extremely complex and varies depending on the project. Usually the buyer will retain ownership of the land throughout the project, but on some occasions the construction company may take ownership for insurance purposes.
Storable (Separable/ Inseparable):
Goods are storable, allowing for purchase on one day and use on another. For example a factory can buy in plastic to be used to manufacture toys and this is stored in inventory until the time comes to make the toys.
However, services are consumed at the point of purchase, making them inseparable. The service is bought and utilized simultaneously. Services cannot be stored. This is the same for construction.
Ability to Outsource:
Goods are rarely outsourced, as they are typically purchased directly from suppliers. Services, on the other hand, can be easily outsourced-examples include outsourcing finance, cleaning, or security services.
Construction works are commonly outsourced, with external companies hired to execute projects.
Complexity of the Supply Chain:
Service contracts often involve a simple two-party relationship between the buyer and the supplier. Goods and construction, however, may have complex supply chains. For example, procuring a pen involves a supply chain with various steps, including the raw material supplier, manufacturer, and possibly a wholesaler.
Construction works often feature a tiered supply chain with subcontractors playing crucial roles.
Construction as a Hybrid:
Construction procurement represents a hybrid, incorporating elements of both goods and services. It involves hiring a service, such as a bricklayer for laying bricks, while also procuring the tangible goods-bricks.
Separating goods from services in construction is challenging, as they are often intertwined, and both aspects are paid for simultaneously.
In conclusion, distinguishing between the procurement of goods, services, and construction works is essential for effective supply chain management. The tangible or intangible nature, heterogeneity, transfer of ownership, storability, outsourcing potential, and supply chain complexities offer a comprehensive framework for understanding the unique characteristics of each category. Recognizing these distinctions empowers organizations to tailor their procurement strategies to the specific challenges and dynamics associated with goods, services, and construction works.
Tutor Notes
- What a characteristic is can also be a difference. So for example you can say tangible is a characteristic of goods but tangibility is also the main difference between goods and services. So don't worry too much about which order to write stuff in, or doing clear sections for this type of essay. It all comes out in the wash.
- Other differences in procuring these include:
- Costs: procuring goods such as stationary for an office will be low-cost so may not require approval, but a service contract may require management sign off. Procuring construction projects tend to be huge sums of money
- Where the budget comes from: goods and services may be operational expenditure and construction works capital expenditure.
- The level of risk involved in the procurement: goods tends to be quite low risk and construction high risk.
- Types of contract involved: procuring goods may be very simple and just require a PO, services is more complex so may require a formal contract or Deed of Appointment. Construction projects will require a contract due to the high value and high risk of the purchase
- Legislation - Goods = Sale of Goods Act, Construction - CDM Regulations 2015. Construction is much more heavily regulated than services or goods. Note CDM regulations isn't part of CIPS. It's occasionally referenced in various modules but you don't have to really know what it is. Just know it's the main legislation governing the construction industry. Construction - Construction Design and Management Regulations 2015 (hse.gov.uk)
- Study guide LO 1.3.1 p. 40, but mainly p. 52 for services. NOTE the title of this learning outcome includes construction and it is hardly mentioned in the study guide. Most of the above information on construction comes from my own knowledge rather than the book.
質問 3:
Explain, with examples, the advantages of a Procurement Department using electronic systems (25 marks)
See the solution inExplanation partbelow.
- Mention of some of the following benefits with at least one example provided against each; cost savings, time savings, more efficient, higher levels of transparency, easier to access historical records to inform upon decision making, mitigates risks such as fraudulent spending, easier to track spend against budgets, ensures compliance with regulations, provides 'real-time' information, paperless communications (so more environmentally friendly), assists in Supply Chain Management and integration with supply partners.
- I'd suggest 5 is a good amount to aim for
Example Essay
Procurement stands to gain numerous benefits from the adoption of electronic systems. These electronic tools and systems bring efficiency, accuracy, transparency, and cost-effectiveness to the procurement process. Here are several compelling reasons why procurement should leverage electronic systems:
Cost savings - the use of electronic tools saves organisations money. Although there is an initial cost outlay, over time the systems will save the organisation money. For example the use of e-procurement tools can save money by accessing a wider pool of suppliers. For example, when using an e-sourcing portal, a tender may reach a larger number of suppliers- this makes the tender more competitive thus driving down prices.
Compared to traditional methods such as phoning suppliers for prices, the use of electronic portals encourages suppliers to 'sharpen their pencils' and provide the best prices in order to win work. Money is also saved as communication is digital (so there is no costs for paper and postage).
Time savings - electronic tools automate a lot of processes which saves time. An example of this is e-requisitioning tools where orders can be placed automatically by a piece oftechnology when quantities of a material reach a certain level. For example, in a cake manufacturing organisation they may use an MRP system which calculates how many eggs are required per day. The machine knows that when the company only have 50 eggs left, a new order needs to be issued to the supplier. The MRP system (e-requisitioning system) therefore saves time as the Procurement department doesn't have to manually pick up the phone to place the order with the supplier- it is done automatically.
Access to higher levels of information - e-Procurement gives you centralised access to all your data. You can access the system to look at historical purchases with ease compared to having to dig through folders and filing cabinets. For example, an electronic PO system will hold details of all historical POs, this means if someone has a question about a PO that was raised 4 months ago, finding the information is much easier and quicker. Some systems may also be able to provide analytical data such as changes to spend over time, or which suppliers a buyer spends the most money with. This higher level of information can help inform upon future decision making. For example, if the organisation wishes to consolidate its supplier base it would look through historical data provided by the electronic system to find out which suppliers are used the least and remove these from the 'pre-approved supplier list'. This level of data might not be available in manual systems.
Better budget tracking - using electronic systems allows for real-time information to be collected which allows Procurement Managers to see where spend is compared to forecasts and budgets. An example of this is in the use of Pre-Payment Cards - rather than giving staff members petty cash to make transactions and having to chase this up and collect receipts and change, a pre-payment card usually comes with an online portal where a manager can see what has been purchased and the remaining budget on that card for the month. A manager may be able to see for example that a member of staff has spend £300 of their allotted £500 monthly allowance.
Higher levels of transparency and control - using E-procurement tools allows an organisation to track who is ordering what. For example, an e-requisitioning tool may allow Procurement Assistants to make purchases up to £500 but set an automatic escalation if they try to buy something of higher value. This allows for Management to have greater levels of visibility and more control over spending. Another example of transparency and control is in the use of e-sourcing tools to run a competitive tender exercise. All communication between the buyer and suppliers is tracked on the system and award letters can be sent via the system too. This reduces the risk of information being lost.
Environmental benefits- the use of e-procurement tools means that there is less paperwork involved. For example, rather than creating a physical PO which needs to be signed by a manager, an electronic system can allow a manager to sign-off the purchase by clicking a button. This means there is no requirement for the document to be printed. This saves paper and thus has a positive on the environment. Using electronic systems may help an organisation achieve their environmental targets.
In conclusion there are numerous benefits for procurement to adopt e-procurement tools. Depending on the sector and requirements of each individualised company, some advantages may be more pertinent than others, but it is undeniable that technology is helping to shape the industry into a value adding function of organisations.
Tutor Notes
- With an essay like this you could use subheadings and number the advantages if you like. It's a good idea to do one advantage per paragraph and using formatting really helps the examiner to read your essay.
- study guide p.108
質問 4:
Explain 5 stages of the sourcing cycle that occur in the pre-contract stage (25 points)
See the solution inExplanation partbelow.
How to approach this question:
- The Sourcing Cycle is the first half of the CIPS Procurement Cycle and includes these steps:
1) Define Business Need
2) Market Analysis + Make vs Buy
3) Develop Strategy and Plan
4) Pre-Procurement Market Testing
5) Develop Documents and Specification
6) Supplier Selection
7) Issue Tender
8) Bid Evaluation
9) Contract Award and Implementation
Your response should detail 5 of these. It is a good idea to pick the ones you know most about and where there is more to write about. You won't get any extra points for naming more than 5 so focus on getting as much detail down about 5, rather than explaining more of them.
Essay Plan
Introduction - explain what the sourcing cycle is - the stages of the procurement cycle before a contract is signed. It describes the steps an organisation will take to source/ procures goods or services.
Paragraph 1 - Define the business need
How is the need identified? E.g. by end user, stores department, ERP system.
Procurement should challenge this - is it really necessary? Suggest alternatives - this could be a key source of added value
Put together business case / requisition / project initiation document
What type of purchase? Straight rebuy, modified rebuy, new purchase
Decide on what type of specification would be best - Conformance vs performance specification
This stage may include early supplier involvement
Paragraph 2 - Market Analysis and Make vs Buy Decision
Create an Analysis by segmenting the market by buyer, product, distribution channel, geography, customer market etc.
Make vs Buy - use Carter's Matrix to decide whether the organisation should make vs buy.
Also consider outsourcing at this stage
Paragraph 3 - Documents and Specification
Draft documents. These may include a RFQ or ITT, a specification and a proposed form of contract
Specification may be conformance or performance based
A contract sets out the roles, rights, responsibilities and obligations of the parties and shows intention to enter into 'legal relations'
This stage defines the 'offer' which becomes binding once other party accepts
Documentation may also include proposed KPIs and SLAs
Paragraph 4 - Supplier Selection
For a new purchase, supplier selection is very important - investigation should be proportionate to the value of the procurement. For rebuys or low-risk purchases you could use the same supplier or a list of pre-approved suppliers.
You can locate potential suppliers by; catalogues, websites, trade registers, market exchanges and review sites, trade or industry press, fairs and conferences, networking and recommendations/ referrals.
You can shortlist suppliers by sending out a pre-qualification questionnaire. This adds value by reducing wasted time / costs / risks to entering into a contract with the wrong supplier.
Other criteria for supplier selection include using Carter's 10 Cs (competency, consistency, capability, control, cost, cash, clean, communication, culture, commitment), thesupplier's financial standing (e.g. liquidity and gearing), references and considering their CSR policy.
Paragraph 5 - Issue Tender
Competitive bidding should only be done when there's sufficient time and resources available, there's sufficient suppliers in the marketplace, they're keen to win business (ie that there's appetite for competition) and there is a strong specification
Best practice is to issue tenders electronically as it ensures equal treatment of suppliers and transparency
Consider open vs closed procurement processes
Use a cross-functional team - particularly when marking responses
Conclusion - you could mention here that different sourcing activities may require more or less effort at each of the stages e.g. procuring a new item may require more market analysis than a re-buy.
Tutor Notes:
- If you want to add in extra details, you could think about ways procurement can add value at each stage
- In the old syllabus, CIPS were a bit obsessed with Michael Porter. In the Market Analysis bit you could talk about using Porter's 5 forces (buyer and supplier power, threat of new entrants, threat of substitutions, supplier rivalry) and Porter's 3 generic strategies for competing (cost leadership, differentiation, niche segment). This has been removed from the study guide so it's not essential to know this for this module, but if you've seen it before it's a nice one to throw in.
- You could also mention that there are differences between the public and private sector procurement at the different stages. E.g. Public Sector requires open competitions for contracts of a certain value and must follow the rules set out in Public Contract Regulations - the private sector doesn't have such strict regulations so there is much more flexibility in how tenders are completed. Also in the public sector, the evaluation criteria needs to be agreed beforehand and presented in the ITT- not the same for the private sector.
- Study guide p.71
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CIPS L4M1 認定試験の出題範囲:
トピック | 出題範囲 |
トピック 1 | - Understand and analyse the key steps when procuring goods or services: This section measures that skills of purchasing managers and procurement officers in identifying and evaluating stages in the sourcing process, planning, supplier selection, and contract management.
トピック 2 | - Procedures, strategies, manuals, and internal function involvement.
トピック 3 | - Public, private, charity, not-for-profit, manufacturing, retail, construction, financial, agriculture, and service sectors. It also covers analyzing the impact of the public sector on procurement and supply chain activities public sector objectives, regulations, competition, accountability, and value for money. It finally covers the impact of the private sector on procurement or supply chain activities.
トピック 4 | - Understand and analyse the need for compliance: This section measures skills of compliance officers and sector-specific procurement managers in understanding different economic and industrial sectors such as
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