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CIPS L4M1 問題集



試験名称:Scope and Influence of Procurement and Supply



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無料問題集L4M1 資格取得

質問 1:
Describe the CIPS Code of Conduct providing examples of how an organisation can ensure compliance with the standard (25 points)
See the solution inExplanation partbelow.
How to approach this question:
- This is the type of question you either know or you don't. You can't really guess it. So do memorise it.
There's not really a shortcut here.
- The CIPS Code of Conduct is an ethical standard and framework which is used profession-wise. The purpose is to standardise ethics across the profession.
- There are 5 aspects to the Code of Conduct: enhance and protect the standing of the profession, promote the eradication of unethical business practices, maintain integrity in all business relationships, enhance proficiency and stature of the profession and ensure full compliance with law and regulations.
Example Essay:
The Chartered Institute of Procurement & Supply (CIPS) Code of Conduct is a comprehensive set of principles and standards that guide the ethical conduct of procurement and supply professionals. Adhering to this code is crucial for maintaining integrity, transparency, and responsible behaviour within the procurement profession. Here's an overview of the CIPS Code of Conduct along with examples of how organizations can ensure compliance with these standards:
1 - Enhance and protect the standing of the profession.
This means don't bring the profession into disrepute by your actions, don't accept gifts or offers of hospitality and to be aware that behaviour outside work reflects one's reputation as a professional. An organisation can implement training programs to educate procurement professionals about the importance of maintaining high standards of professionalism and integrity in their interactions with suppliers and stakeholders.
2 - Promote the eradication of unethical business practices.
This means fostering awareness of human rights, fraud and corruption issues in business relationships, responsibly managing business relationships if unethical practices come to light, undertaking due diligence (in respect to forced labour, fraud, corruption) and continually develop one's own personal knowledge of ethical issues. Promoting the eradication of unethical business practices requires a comprehensive and proactive approach from organizations. This involves having a strong CSR policy, having whistleblowing protection and reporting mechanisms, and conducting due diligence on the supply chain.
3 - Maintain integrity in all business relationships.
An organisation can show compliance with this by; rejecting improper business practices, never using authority for personal gain, declaring conflicts of interest, giving accurate information, not breaching confidentiality, striving for genuine, fair and transparent competition and being truthful about skills and experience. An example of this is for an organisation to sever ties with unethical businesses. One notable example of a retailer terminating a relationship with a supplier due to ethical reasons is the case of H&M and its decision to cut ties with a Chinese yarn producer in Xinjiang province. H&M, a global fashion retailer, announced in early 2021 that it would no longer source cotton from Xinjiang due to concerns over forced labour and human rights abuses associated with cotton production in the region.
4 - Enhance proficiency and stature of the profession.
Activities which would demonstrate compliance with this includes: Continual development of knowledge and skills, fostering the highest standards of competence in staff members at the organisation and optimising the responsible use of resources. For procurement staff, this could involve becoming MCIPS qualified, and even once qualified, completing routine CPD (Continued Professional Development) to ensure their knowledge and skills remain updated and relevant. They should also strive to share their knowledge with the wider organisation.
5 - Ensure full compliance with law and regulations.
An organisation can demonstrate compliance with the standard by proving they: follow the law in all countries they do business in, fulfilling all contractual obligations and following the CIPS guidance on professional practice. Compliance can include aspects of fiduciary responsibility such as paying the correct level of tax and filing returns on time, as well as compliance to legislation such as the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and the Equalities Act 2000.
In conclusion, the CIPS Code of Conduct is a voluntary standard for organisations to follow but it sets a high standard for the industry. By following the CIPS Code of Conduct organisations can enhance their reputation and levels of trust among stakeholders, as well as being reassured that following these clear ethical guidelines contribute to a positive workplace culture, boosting employee morale and commitment by fostering a sense of shared values.
Tutor Notes:
- Under the previous syllabus CIPS asked this question a lot. If you memorise one thing from the study guide I'd recommend it be this. Even if it doesn't come up as a stand-alone question, you can work it into more general essays about ethics- so it is useful to know.
- For a top score, try to give deep examples. So where you have said 'responsibly managing business relationships' you could explain what this means in practice- by ensuring fair contract terms are put in place, holding suppliers to account when they do something wrong and not exploiting smaller suppliers. Where you have said 'complete Due Diligence' you could mention that this would be completed before awarding a contract to a supplier and would involve looking at a supplier's history and supply chain to ensure that they have not been involved in any crimes (fraud etc) or unethical behaviour (such as polluting the environment).
The more in depth you go, the more you show the examiner your understanding, and the higher you'll score.
- p. 137 or here: Cips Code of Conduct | CIPS Note the study guide talks on p. 132 about the CIPS Code of Ethics, which is slightly different. The Code of Conduct is the main one to learn.

質問 2:
Describe the CIPS Code of Conduct providing examples of how an organisation can ensure compliance with the standard (25 points)
See the solution inExplanation partbelow.
How to approach this question:
- This is the type of question you either know or you don't. You can't really guess it. So do memorise it.
There's not really a shortcut here.
- The CIPS Code of Conduct is an ethical standard and framework which is used profession-wise. The purpose is to standardise ethics across the profession.
- There are 5 aspects to the Code of Conduct: enhance and protect the standing of the profession, promote the eradication of unethical business practices, maintain integrity in all business relationships, enhance proficiency and stature of the profession and ensure full compliance with law and regulations.
Example Essay:
The Chartered Institute of Procurement & Supply (CIPS) Code of Conduct is a comprehensive set of principles and standards that guide the ethical conduct of procurement and supply professionals. Adhering to this code is crucial for maintaining integrity, transparency, and responsible behaviour within the procurement profession. Here's an overview of the CIPS Code of Conduct along with examples of how organizations can ensure compliance with these standards:
1 - Enhance and protect the standing of the profession.
This means don't bring the profession into disrepute by your actions, don't accept gifts or offers of hospitality and to be aware that behaviour outside work reflects one's reputation as a professional. An organisation can implement training programs to educate procurement professionals about the importance of maintaining high standards of professionalism and integrity in their interactions with suppliers and stakeholders.
2 - Promote the eradication of unethical business practices.
This means fostering awareness of human rights, fraud and corruption issues in business relationships, responsibly managing business relationships if unethical practices come to light, undertaking due diligence (in respect to forced labour, fraud, corruption) and continually develop one's own personal knowledge of ethical issues. Promoting the eradication of unethical business practices requires a comprehensive and proactive approach from organizations. This involves having a strong CSR policy, having whistleblowing protection and reporting mechanisms, and conducting due diligence on the supply chain.
3 - Maintain integrity in all business relationships.
An organisation can show compliance with this by; rejecting improper business practices, never using authority for personal gain, declaring conflicts of interest, giving accurate information, not breaching confidentiality, striving for genuine, fair and transparent competition and being truthful about skills and experience. An example of this is for an organisation to sever ties with unethical businesses. One notable example of a retailer terminating a relationship with a supplier due to ethical reasons is the case of H&M and its decision to cut ties with a Chinese yarn producer in Xinjiang province. H&M, a global fashion retailer, announced in early 2021 that it would no longer source cotton from Xinjiang due to concerns over forced labour and human rights abuses associated with cotton production in the region.
4 - Enhance proficiency and stature of the profession.
Activities which would demonstrate compliance with this includes: Continual development of knowledge and skills, fostering the highest standards of competence in staff members at the organisation and optimising the responsible use of resources. For procurement staff, this could involve becoming MCIPS qualified, and even once qualified, completing routine CPD (Continued Professional Development) to ensure their knowledge and skills remain updated and relevant. They should also strive to share their knowledge with the wider organisation.
5 - Ensure full compliance with law and regulations.
An organisation can demonstrate compliance with the standard by proving they: follow the law in all countries they do business in, fulfilling all contractual obligations and following the CIPS guidance on professional practice. Compliance can include aspects of fiduciary responsibility such as paying the correct level of tax and filing returns on time, as well as compliance to legislation such as the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and the Equalities Act 2000.
In conclusion, the CIPS Code of Conduct is a voluntary standard for organisations to follow but it sets a high standard for the industry. By following the CIPS Code of Conduct organisations can enhance their reputation and levels of trust among stakeholders, as well as being reassured that following these clear ethical guidelines contribute to a positive workplace culture, boosting employee morale and commitment by fostering a sense of shared values.
Tutor Notes:
- Under the previous syllabus CIPS asked this question a lot. If you memorise one thing from the study guide I'd recommend it be this. Even if it doesn't come up as a stand-alone question, you can work it into more general essays about ethics- so it is useful to know.
- For a top score, try to give deep examples. So where you have said 'responsibly managing business relationships' you could explain what this means in practice- by ensuring fair contract terms are put in place, holding suppliers to account when they do something wrong and not exploiting smaller suppliers. Where you have said 'complete Due Diligence' you could mention that this would be completed before awarding a contract to a supplier and would involve looking at a supplier's history and supply chain to ensure that they have not been involved in any crimes (fraud etc) or unethical behaviour (such as polluting the environment).
The more in depth you go, the more you show the examiner your understanding, and the higher you'll score.
- p. 137 or here: Cips Code of Conduct | CIPS Note the study guide talks on p. 132 about the CIPS Code of Ethics, which is slightly different. The Code of Conduct is the main one to learn.

質問 3:
Describe the key drivers for organisations who operate in the public, private and third sector (25 marks)
See the solution inExplanation partbelow.
- There's 2 main approaches to layout you could take for this question. Firstly, divide your essay into three sections for the public, private and third sectors and talk about the key drivers for each sector separately.
Alternatively, you could select a couple of drivers and form paragraphs around them, explaining in each paragraph whether the driver is strong or weak or even applicable for the different sectors.
- Drivers you could talk about include attitudes towards money, survival in the industry, differentiation, need for transparency, resources available, stakeholders, regulatory compliance
- Your answer should say why these are drivers in each of the industries, whether these drivers are strong or weak and why.
Example essay:
Organizations across the public, private, and third sectors operate within different paradigms, driven by distinct motivations and constraints. Understanding these key drivers is essential for comprehending how these organizations function and achieve their objectives. This essay explores the fundamental drivers of organizations in each of these sectors, focusing on attitudes towards money, survival, differentiation, need for transparency, resource allocation, and stakeholder management.
Attitudes Towards Money:
The approach to profit significantly differentiates the sectors. In the private sector, profit is a primary driver, essential for survival and rewarding shareholders. Conversely, the public sector is not profit-driven; its primary aim is to provide essential services to society, regardless of financial gain. The third sector, often termed 'not-for-profit', also requires profit generation, but uniquely, all profits are reinvested into the organization to further its aims, rather than being distributed as shareholder dividends. The Public-Sector needs to 'balance the books' but it is not a profit-generating area of the economy. The priority around money is ensuring that taxpayer money is well spend and that procurement activities represent value for money.
Survival in the Industry:
Survival strategies vary across sectors. Private and third sector organizations must focus keenly on survival, necessitating efficiency and sound business processes. The public sector, by contrast, can continue operating even when inefficient or running at a deficit, as seen in cases like local councils operating with budget shortfalls. This difference underscores a greater urgency for efficient management in the private and third sectors.
Differentiation is a key driver in the private sector due to competition. Private entities often strive to distinguish their goods or services to gain a competitive edge, either through cost competitiveness or unique offerings. However, differentiation is less of a driver in the public and third sectors, where organizations are often sole providers of certain services or focus on specific social causes without direct competition.
Need for Transparency and Regulatory Compliance:
Transparency and adherence to regulations are paramount in the public and third (not-for-profit) sectors. These sectors are highly regulated, with public organizations adhering to regulations like the Public Contract Regulations 2015 and third sector organizations following guidelines set by bodies like the Charities Commission. The public's right to information through mechanisms like Freedom of Information requests further underscores this need for transparency. In contrast, the private sector faces less pressure for transparency, though it is not entirely exempt from regulatory compliance.
Resource Availability:
The availability and management of resources are different across sectors. Public and third sector organizations often operate with limited funds, making value for money a critical driver. They must achieve their objectives within these financial constraints. In contrast, the private sector generally has greater flexibility in resource acquisition, able to raise funds through loans or share sales, providing them with a broader scope for investment and expansion.
Stakeholder Management:
Stakeholder dynamics vary significantly among sectors. Public and third sector organizations often have a wide range of stakeholders, though these stakeholders may not wield significant power. Conversely, stakeholders in private organizations, like employees, can exert considerable influence, as seen in cases where employees might strike for better working conditions. Therefore, managing and satisfying stakeholders can be a more pressing concern in the private sector compared to the public sector, where actions like strikes can be legally restricted.
In summary, organizations in the public, private, and third sectors are driven by different motivations and constraints. While profit is a major driver in the private and third sectors, it serves different purposes in each.
Survival strategies, the need for differentiation, transparency requirements, resource management, and stakeholder relations all vary significantly across these sectors, reflecting the distinct roles and responsibilities they hold in society. Understanding these key drivers is crucial for anyone looking to navigate or interact with these diverse organizational landscapes effectively.
Tutor Notes:
- If you're asked about different sectors of the economy it can be difficult to know what to talk about. An easy way to remember topics you can discuss in your essay is the acronym CAROLS which stands for:
Competition, Activity, Responsibilities, Objectives, Legal Restrictions and Stakeholders. This acronym may generate some ideas of things you can discuss in your essay.
- This question takes some content from different Learning Outcomes throughout L4. Charities are discussed separately from Public and Private Sectors in LO 4.4 p.230.

質問 4:
Describe what is meant by the 5 Rights of Procurement (25 points)
See the solution inExplanation partbelow.
How to approach the question
- This question is worth 25 marks so you can imagine what the mark scheme will look like. There are 5 Rights so there will be 5 points for each Right. Naming the Right will be one point, then you have 4 points for a description and example. You should therefore aim to have 4-5 sentences per Right.
- I would recommend using headings for this type of essay- clearly putting your essay into 5 sections for each right. This makes it easy for the examiner to mark.
Proposed Essay structure
- Introduction - what is meant by the 5 Rights
- Price
- Quality
- Quantity
- Time
- Place
- Conclusion - why it's important, all rights are equally as important
Example Essay
Procurement revolves around achieving the delicate balance of acquiring goods and/ or services at the right price, quality, quantity, time, and place. This essay explains why these "Five Rights of Procurement" are important and explains how using this metric can help procurement to make smart choices when they purchase goods or services.
Firstly, it is important that procurement do not simply seek to find the cheapest option. The First Right is about finding the product/ service at an affordable price that doesn't compromise on quality. Let's say a company is buying office furniture. They might go for a supplier that offers a good balance between cost and quality, ensuring they get good value for their money. Considerations here may include Total Cost of Ownership, the Price Iceberg, and Whole Life Costing. The company therefore may seek to get the best price, but in relation to how long the furniture will last. A cheap chair that will break after one year may not be the best price compared to another chair which will last 10 years.
The second right, quality, looks at legal compliance and fitness for purpose. Quality adherence aligns with specifications as well as legislation such as the UK Sale of Goods Act 1979. This helps ensure that items meet their commonly intended purpose and maintains satisfactory condition. Buyers deploy both reactive measures like Quality Control and proactive approaches like Quality Assurance to uphold the stipulated quality. This commitment not only ensures legal compliance but also underpins customer satisfaction, brand reputation, and ethical sourcing policies. An example of quality is an organisation buying a washing machine that conforms to ISO standard 97.060 and has a 2-year warrantee.
The third right, quantity, is a strategic consideration about how much of an item to order. It is connected to efficient inventory management. One tool that procurement can use to ensure they order the right quantity of a product is Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) - this serves as a tool for finding the equilibrium between stock-holding costs and avoiding stockouts. Market conditions, supply chain dynamics (e.g. JIT / Lean manufacturing), and organizational policies collectively play a pivotal role in determining the right quantity. For example a confectionary manufacturer will need to order the right number of eggs to make cakes- they will need to consider how many eggs they will need in order to make the cakes, but also take into consideration that they may not need them all at onceand that eggs can expire. The use of an MRP system is helpful when determining quantities of products to order.
Time is about getting things when we need them. In the above example, an egg delivery timing for a confectionary manufacturer will be pivotal to making the cakes on time. Other considerations about time include changing market forces and customer demand. The use of forecasting is therefore extremely useful; particularly if there are peaks in demand for a product, such as toys at Christmas.
Moreover, organizations need to avoid bottlenecks and production stoppages, so time (including lead time and delivery time) is an important consideration when making orders.
Lastly, place is about getting things to the right location. Minimizing environmental impact, reducing risks during transit, and optimizing warehousing practices contribute to achieving the right place. This is particularly important for perishable items such as food, and for items which require specific storage conditions such as chemicals. This involves good planning in terms of logistics, minimizing any impact on the environment during transport and a consideration for safety.
In conclusion, the Five Rights of Procurement provide a structured framework for organizations to optimize their sourcing practices. All rights are equally as important and it is the relationship between the Rights which is key. While price, quality, quantity, time, and place form the foundation, evolving models acknowledge additional elements like the Right Relationship with the Supplier. Embracing these principles not only ensures operational efficiency but also promotes sustainability and ethical conduct throughout the procurement process, contributing to long-term success in a globalized and dynamic marketplace.
Tutor Notes
- The 5 Rights is a big topic in CIPS so do learn them off by heart. It's p. 20 in the study guide.
- The conclusion mentions that additional 'rights' are starting to be introduced into the matrix, this is true and isn't mentioned in this study guide. I believe this starts to come up in Level 5. Just something to be aware of- some people are now talking about other Rights such as finding the right supplier and the right relationship. It's good to know, but not essential for this essay. Neither is knowing the ISO standard for washing machines - that's certainly not in the book. You can sprinkle in your own knowledge to essays like this, as it demonstrates you're able to apply the theory to real life. Why I remember the ISO for washing machines is a different story....
- You could also have mentioned the following topics;
o price - using the right currency and incoterm, aggregation of spend, negotiating prices o quality - conformance and performance specs o quantity - fulfilling retail orders, large order quantities leading to discount o time - additional costs of a stockout, impact on relationships and reputation o place - additional costs if delivery fails
- This is the type of question you can easily over-write. It's a huge topic and you could easily spend too long on it and not have enough time to answer other questions. So be careful with your timings. You don't need to mention everything above.
- Another way this type of question can come up is as a scenario. E.g. XYZ is a manufacturer of cakes and needs to order eggs. Discuss how XYZ can ensure the 5 Rights of Procurement when ordering Eggs.

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CIPS L4M1 認定試験の出題範囲:

トピック 1
  • Understand and analyse the key steps when procuring goods or services: This section measures that skills of purchasing managers and procurement officers in identifying and evaluating stages in the sourcing process, planning, supplier selection, and contract management.
トピック 2
  • Procedures, strategies, manuals, and internal function involvement.
トピック 3
  • Public, private, charity, not-for-profit, manufacturing, retail, construction, financial, agriculture, and service sectors. It also covers analyzing the impact of the public sector on procurement and supply chain activities public sector objectives, regulations, competition, accountability, and value for money. It finally covers the impact of the private sector on procurement or supply chain activities.
トピック 4
  • Understand and analyse the need for compliance: This section measures skills of compliance officers and sector-specific procurement managers in understanding different economic and industrial sectors such as



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L4M1 関連試験
L4M6 - CIPS Supplier Relationships
L4M4 - Ethical and Responsible Sourcing
L4M5 - Commercial Negotiation
L4M2 - Defining Business Needs
L4M8 - Procurement and Supply in Practice
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