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CIMA BA4 問題集



試験名称:Fundamentals of Ethics - Corporate Governance and Business Law



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質問 1:
Which of the following is the responsibility of the Chairman, according to the UK Corporate Governance Code?
A. Setting the agenda for Board meetings
B. Operational control
C. Carrying out the policies of the Board
D. Authorizing major investments

質問 2:
Wye has borrowed £10,000 from Exe and the loan has now become repayable in full. Exe has received a cheque from Wye for £9,000 stated to be "in full and final settlement of the loan." What is the position if Exe cashes the cheque?
(i) Exe will have accepted £9,000 in full and final settlement and will not be able to claim the other
£1,000 from Wye.
(ii) Exe is legally entitled to cash the cheque and pursue Wye for the balance of £1,000.
(iii) Exe will have accepted £9,000, but at law payment of less than the amount due cannot satisfy the full debt.
A. (iii) only
B. (ii) and (iii) only
C. (i) only
D. (ii) only

質問 3:
Which of the following is not a source of English law?
A. Roman law.
B. Common law.
C. Legislation.
D. European law.

質問 4:
Which of the following must an internal audit satisfy in order to be deemed independent? Select ALL that apply.
A. The internal audit activity must be free from interference.
B. Action plans should be negotiated with management in order to address any identified problems.
C. Any problems identified during the audit should be reported.
D. The head of the internal audit must communicate and interact directly with the board of directors.
E. The head of the audit must report to a high level within the organisation.

質問 5:
Which of the following is correct?
(i) The Court of Appeal is bound by obiter dicta of the Supreme Court.
(ii) The High Court is bound by a Supreme Court ratio decidendi.
(iii) A ratio decidendi of the Court of Appeal is binding on the High Court.
A. (i) and (ii) only
B. (i), (ii) and (iii).
C. (ii) and (iii) only
D. (i) only

質問 6:
Who is entitled to sue the directors for a breach of statutory duty?
A. Any shareholder.
B. The company.
C. The holders of the majority of the company's shares.
D. The board.

質問 7:
Which ONE of the following is not included in the CIMA Code of Ethics list of client issues that could threaten compliance with the fundamental principles?
A. A client having an objectionable personality
B. Questionable financial reporting practices
C. Client involvement in illegal activities (such as money laundering)
D. Dishonesty

質問 8:
Which ONE of the following statements is incorrect? Ethical standards are:
A. Required of professional accountants by CIMA
B. Part of good accounting practice
C. Designed to encourage ethical behavior
D. Required of professional accountants by UK legislation


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CIMA Fundamentals of Ethics - Corporate Governance and Business Law 認定 BA4 試験問題:

1. Dilemmas arise when:

A) You are asked to do something illegal
B) There is a choice between what is good for me and what is prescribed professional standards
C) There are two or more unpalatable choices
D) You have no choice

2. Which of the following is INCORRECT in relation to the Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts Regulations

A) Whether or not a clause is written in plain English is a factor which may be taken into account in deciding whether the term is unfair.
B) The regulations only apply to consumer contracts entered into by a human being and do not apply to limited companies.
C) The regulations only apply to exemption clauses.
D) The regulations only apply to standard form contracts.

3. After the enactment of the Companies Act 2006, which of the following is incorrect in relation to a reduction of capital by a private company?

A) The shareholders must pass a special resolution
B) The reduction must be approved by the court
C) The directors must make a statement as to the company's solvency
D) It is not necessary for the company's Articles of Association to authorize a reduction

4. In which of the following countries are employees represented at board level?
i. Germany.
ii. United States of America
iii. France.

A) (i) and (ii) only
B) (iii) only
C) (i) and (iii) only
D) (i) only

5. Which THREE of the following represent the impact of one of the seven principles of public life on accountants?
When awarding contracts accountants should ensure that this is based upon objective measures of comparative merit.

A) Accountants should promote and support the seven principles in public life through leadership and example.
B) Accountants should ensure that they only restrict information about their clients when the public interest so demands it
C) Accountants should act solely in the public interest and should therefore not make a profit from their professional advice to clients.
D) Accountants should be publicly open about the reasons for their decisions within the companies they work for.
E) Accountants should avoid any conflicts of interest in their professional conduct


質問 # 1
正解: C
質問 # 2
正解: C
質問 # 3
正解: B
質問 # 4
正解: D
質問 # 5
正解: A、B、D

BA4 関連試験
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F1 - Financial Reporting
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CIMAPRO15-E03-X1-ENG - E3 - Strategic Management Question Tutorial
 [email protected] サポート


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