質問 1:Push the Exhibit Button to load the referenced "XML Document".
A. <record xmlns="urn:xmlmaster:test">
<data xmlns= "" >100</data>
B. <record xmlns="urn:xmlmaster:test">
C. <record>
D. <record xmlns="urn:xmlmaster:test">
<data xmlns= "" >100</data>
<data xmlns= "" >70</data>
E. <record>
F. <record xmlns="urn:xmlmaster:test">
質問 2:Which of the following is incorrect with respect to XML?
A. Some RDBs (relational databases) can output results data in XML format
B. An XML document can be transmitted over general-use protocols such as HTTP and SMTP
C. An XML document features high data readability
D. XML is designed with the ideal structure for storage in an RDB (relational database)
質問 3:When processing the following "XML Document" according to the method shown by "SAX Processing," which of the following correctly describes the output results (print method output)?
A. East<![CDATA[&]]>West
B. East
C. East&West
D. EastWest
質問 4:Which of the following DOM (Level 2) nodes is not a child node of an element node (Element) in DOM trees?
A. Attr
B. Comment
C. Element
D. Processing Instruction
質問 5:Which of the following describes the most correct call order of the ContentHandler interface methods when parsing the following "XML Document" using a non-validating SAX parser? This question reflects line feeds within the XML document.
[XML Document]
A. startDocument - startElement - startElement - characters - characters - endElement - endElement - endDocumentW
B. startDocument - startElement - ignorableWhitespace - startElement - ignorableWhitespace - characters - ignorableWhitespace - endElement - ignorableWhitespace - endElement - endDocument
C. startDocument - startElement - characters - startElement - characters - characters - characters - endElement - characters - endElement - endDocument
D. startDocument - startElement - startElement - characters - endElement - endElement - endDocument
質問 6:Which of the following correctly describe XML encryption and XML digital signatures?
A. Both XML encryption and XML digital signatures cannot be applied to one XML document
B. When applying XML encryption and XML digital signatures to one XML document, you must always use the same digital certificate
C. When applying XML encryption and XML digital signatures to one XML document, it must always be in the order: signature, encryption
D. XML encryption and XML digital signatures can be applied to a certain portion of data within an XML document
質問 7:Select a valid XML Document against the "XML Schema" referenced when the Exhibit Button is pushed.
[XML Schema]
A. <TestML xmlns="urn:xmlmaster:testml"
xmlns:tns="urn:xmlmaster:testml" >
<scenario tns: level="1" tns: data="100">
<title xmlns="" >Prologue</title>
<content xmlns="" >Long long ago...</content>
B. <TestML xmlns="urn:xmlmaster:testml"
xmlns:tns="urn:xmlmaster:testml" >
<scenario tns: level="1" tns: data="100">
<content>Long long ago...</content>
C. <TestML xmlns="urn:xmlmaster:testml">
<scenario level="1" data="100">
<title xmlns="" >Prologue</title>
<content xmlns="" >Long long ago...</content>
D. <TestML xmlns="urn:xmlmaster:testml">
<scenario level="1" data="100">
<content>Long long ago...</content>
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XML Master I10-002 認定試験の出題範囲:
トピック | 出題範囲 |
トピック 1 | - Understand SAX2 specifications
- Acquiring data from DOM trees
トピック 2 | - Processing with arguments and parameters
- Handling white spaces using DOM
- Handling white spaces using XSLT
トピック 3 | - Creating XML documents corresponding to sample schema using XSLT
- Cautions and considerations when using DOM
トピック 4 | - Schema design incorporating multiple namespaces
- Overview of DOM Level2 specifications
トピック 5 | - Designing, defining namespaces within a sample system
- Schema design incorporating namespaces
- Overview of SAX2 Extensions
トピック 6 | - Analyzing XML documents corresponding to sample schema using SAX
- Using XSLT to modify sample XML documents
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