質問 1:
A. 2
B. 8
C. 4
D. 6
E. 1
質問 2:Sorenson and Audia would most likely agree with which of the following statements about the intrinsic advantages mentioned in the highlighted text?
A. Geographic concentration of production is, in many cases, maintained I* the economic benefits provided by these advantages.
B. The benefits of these advantages are outweighed by intense competition from organizations outside local population boundaries.
C. These advantages are often related not to a particular location but to the colocation of structurally equivalent organizations Itself.
D. The expectation that these advantages should lead to lower failure rates is supported by organizational ecology studies.
E. These advantages are insufficient as an explanation for geographic concentration of production.
解説: (Topexam メンバーにのみ表示されます)
質問 3:For a sales promotion, a dog food producer produces packages with 40 percent more dog food than the regular-size package and sells the larger package for the same price as the usual price of the regular-size package. Compared to the regular-size package at its usual price, approximately what percent less is the price per ounce of the larger package of dog food?
A. 40%
B. 29%
C. 60%
D. 37.5%
E. 25%
質問 4:
A. 7.57
B. 6.57
C. 8.14
D. 12.28
E. 5.79
質問 5:Because of the positive correlation across animal species between body size and home range size, researchers suspected that body size of female mallards (a species of duck) may influence their home range size. The researchers also reasoned that younger females may be forced into less suitable habitats by older females competing with them for optimal areas, with the younger females compensating by having larger home ranges.
However, their research supported neither suspicion. The failure to detect variation of range size according to body size may be due to other, undetermined mallard attributes (for example, body condition) that may have been a significant factor affecting home range size. The fact that most yearling females can breed may help to explain why the expected age effect was not confirmed, since home range size may be affected by breeding capability.
The researchers did find, however, that home range size of females was Inversely related to the percentage of the study area composed of seasonal or semipermanent wetlands. This may have been because of reduced competition for breeding space within the species when more of the wetlands were present. They also found home range size to decrease somewhat as the percentage of wood-shrub habitat increased, suggesting that reduction in visual contact among mallard pairs may reduce interaction and thus reduce competition among breeding pairs.
The passage most strongly suggests which of the following about mallard competition?
A. Larger female mallards have greater success at competing for habitat than do smaller female mallards.
B. The greater the amount of wood-shrub habitat that is present, the greater the competition among mallards.
C. Greater competition among mallards sometimes results in home ranges of greater size.
D. The greater the amount of wetlands that are present, the greater the competition among mallards.
E. The more competition there is among mallards, the lesser the quality of habitat occupied by young female mallards.
質問 6:
A. 2x+1
B. 2x
C. x+3
D. 4x+2
E. x+2
質問 7:In none of the archaeological sites where floor mosaics were found, not even in those one that like Alarna or Gaanip had well-preserved mosaics in them, there was any evidence of Greek artisans having worked there.
A. such as Alarna or Gaanip with well-preserved mosaics in them, there was
B. like Alarna or Gaanip. with well-preserved mosaics, was there
C. ones that like Alarna or Gaanip had well-preserved mosaics in them, there was
D. that, like Alarna or Gaanip, had well-preserved mosaics, was there
E. ones like Alarna or Gaanip having well-preserved mosaics, was there
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Admission Tests Graduate Management Admission Test 認定 GMAT 試験問題:
1. Though unified in their opposition to drilling in the Arctic, the authors' opposition to drilling elsewhere was less vocal.
A) Though unified in their opposition to drilling in the Arctic, the authors were less vocal to opposing drilling elsewhere.
B) The authors, though unified In their opposition to drilling in the Arctic, were less vocal In their opposition to drilling elsewhere.
C) The authors' opposition, although unified on drilling in the Arctic, was less vocal to drilling elsewhere.
D) Though unified in their opposition to drilling in the Arctic, the authors' opposition was less vocal to drilling elsewhere.
E) Though unified in their opposition to drilling in the Arctic, the authors' opposition to drilling elsewhere was less vocal.
In order to better control traffic at a certain busy intersection, a study was conducted to determine how many vehicles passed through the intersection during various times of day and what trajectories they took. For each possible trajectory (combination of direction from which a vehicle entered the intersection and direction to which it exited the Intersection), the graph shows the number of vehicles passing through the intersection during a certain hour.

3. In a class of 21 students, how many scored above the class average (arithmetic mean) on the final exam?
(1) The class average Is 78.
(2) The dass median is 78.
A) EACH statement ALONE is sufficient.
B) Statement (1) ALONE is sufficient, but statement (2) atone is not sufficient.
C) Statements (1) and (2) TOGETHER are NOT sufficient.
D) BOTH statements TOGETHER are sufficient, but NEITHER statement ALONE is sufficient.
E) Statement (2) ALONE is sufficient, but statement (1) alone is not sufficient.
4. The company's choice of Mr. Frederick for the position was based mostly on his being mote of a manager than the other candidates.
A) more on his being a manager than what the other candidates were
B) mostly on the fact that he was more of a manager than on what the other candidates were
C) mostly from the fact that he was more a manager than the other candidates
D) mostly on his being more of a manager than the other candidates
E) on the fact of he being more a manager than the other candidates were
5. The sum of the first n positive integers is given by

What is the sum of the first 100 positive odd integers?
A) 9,900
B) 10,000
C) 9,950
D) 10,100
E) 5,050
質問 # 1 正解: B | 質問 # 2 正解: メンバーにのみ表示されます | 質問 # 3 正解: A | 質問 # 4 正解: D | 質問 # 5 正解: B |