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GED GED-Science 問題集



試験名称:GED Science Exam



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質問 1:
Which factor affects fish survival in lakes with acid deposition?
A. adjacent soil's ability to neutralize acid
B. quantity of water lilies on the lake
C. lake's elevation above sea level
D. types of fowl inhabiting wooded areas near the lake
E. number of trees surrounding the lake

質問 2:
Potential energy is stored energy. Kinetic energy is energy of motion. Conduction is the transfer of energy when molecules collide. Convection is the transfer of heat caused by density differences in air.
What type of energy change is demonstrated when a child, starting from the top, goes down a play slide?
A. kinetic to convection
B. kinetic to potential
C. conduction to potential
D. potential to kinetic
E. convection to conduction

質問 3:
Which statement identifies the difference between a substance in liquid state and a substance in solid form?
A. more space exists between its molecules in a liquid state
B. the molecules contain more heat energy in its solid state
C. the molecules are large in its solid state
D. the molecules are large in its liquid state
E. the molecules are less active in its liquid state

質問 4:
Meteorites are broken fragments formed from comets and by collisions between asteroids orbiting the Sun in the belt between Mars and Jupiter. Meteorites range in size from fine dust particles to bodies many miles in diameter that produce large craters when they strike Earth, Mars, or the Moon.
From what sources do many meteorites originate?
A. asteroids
B. the center of the Sun
C. Mars
D. collisions among solar showers from the stars
E. fragments of Jupiter's moons

質問 5:
The movements of different freshwater fish were tracked as they swam in waters of varying temperatures. Assuming that "normal" aquarium water temperature is 25(degrees) C, the effects of water temperature on movements were found within a temperature range from 18(degrees) C to 28(degrees)
C.<e ip="GED-Science_img_249.jpg"></e>
What statement is the best conclusion that can be made based on the information collected in this experiment?
A. A change in water temperature affects fish movement.
B. The dissolved oxygen in the water does not affect the fish movements.
C. If the water is too warm, the fish can not swim.
D. The best water temperature for swimming is 10(degrees) C.
E. If the water is too cold, the fish will not die.

質問 6:
Franz and Myra conducted an experiment to determine whether saltwater affected the growth of bean plants. They used five groups of plants. For two weeks, they gave each group the same amount of water; however, they mixed different amounts of salt into each of the five solutions. The graph below indicates the conditions and results of Franz and Myra's experiment.
Geothermal energy is one of the several alternative energy forms that may lessen our dependence on fossil fuels, such as coal and oil. In a geothermal process, hot water and steam from an underground geothermal reservoir are brought up to Earth's surface. The heated water is then used to heat homes directly or to generate electrical power. The used geothermal water is returned to the reservoir to be used again.

Based on the information, which statement provides the best conclusion about geothermal energy?
A. sources of air pollution
B. usually in mountainous areas
C. potential sources of electrical power
D. seldom near large bodies of water
E. instant sources of electrical power

質問 7:
A tsunami is an unusually large ocean wave, which is sometimes formed by earthquakes.
The height of a tsunami increases as it approaches shore. In the open ocean, tsunamis can travel at 300 to 400 miles per hour.
Based on this information, which statement must be true?
A. Tsunamis are sometimes found in small lakes.
B. Tsunamis have killed millions of people in this century.
C. The height of a tsunami located 100 miles offshore is low.
D. There are no known causes of tsunamis.
E. Tsunamis travel at 100 miles per hour.

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GED Science 認定 GED-Science 試験問題:

1. The Perfect Food Company makes Energy Bars for use as a meal replacement or diet supplement.

A Perfect Food Company spokesperson claims that Perfect's Energy Bar is superior to other nutritional bars.
Which explanation is most likely based on opinion rather than fact?

A) taste better
B) are fat free
C) are chocolate-covered
D) have 225 calories
E) contain 40% protein

2. All kerosene stoves produce carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide gases as by-products of combustion. Both gases are dangerous to human beings.
When using a kerosene stove, which action provides the best protection against these harmful gases?

A) keeping a fire extinguisher near the stove
B) using only the correct grade of kerosene
C) locating the stove far from walls and furniture
D) circulating air around the room with a fan
E) keeping the room well ventilated

3. Almost all food containers and packages have nutrition labels such as the one below, which might appear on the container of a soft drink. These labels indicate the number of servings in the container and the ingredients of its contents. They will usually list the amount of fat, sodium, sugars, carbohydrates, and protein that are in the contents. People who are diabetic can not consume a large amount of sugar in their diet.
Which statement best describes the expected and MOST sensible reaction of a person who is diabetic when he or she reads the label on this container of soft drink?

A) it has a high glucose (sugar) content
B) it has 8 oz per serving
C) it contains no calories
D) it contains more protein than you should consume in a day
E) it contains no fat

4. The figure below illustrates a workman pushing a box up an inclined plane (ramp). The ramp gives the workman a mechanical advantage (MA) and requires less effort. This setup provides an MA, which represents the length of the ramp's slope (4 meters) divided by its height (1 meter).

How would you increase the MA of the ramp for this worker?

A) Increase the length of the cart.
B) Increase the height of the box.
C) Increase the length of the ramp.
D) Pull the box.
E) Increase the height of the ramp.

5. Air is a mixture of gases, mostly nitrogen and oxygen, but it also contains a small amount of water vapor. Depending on its temperature, water can exist in any of the three states of matter.
In the diagram at the left, water droplets have formed on the outside of the can, and the can contains pieces of ice.

Based on the information and diagram, which statement regarding the droplets on the outside of the can is the most accurate?

A) Many more droplets will form on the outside of the can on a windy day, when the air is less humid.
B) Liquid on the can is CO2 from the exhaled air of the observers of the demonstration.
C) The can leaked water from the ice cubes as they melted.
D) Many more droplets would have appeared if a styrofoam cup had been substituted for the tin can.
E) The ice in the can cooled the air around the can, causing the water droplet formation.


質問 # 1
正解: A
質問 # 2
正解: E
質問 # 3
正解: A
質問 # 4
正解: C
質問 # 5
正解: E

GED-Science 関連試験
GED-Writing - GED Language Arts - Writing (Essay Writing Exam)
GED-Reading - GED Reasoning Through Language Arts (Language Arts - Reading)
GED-Social-Studies - GED Social Studies Exam
GED-Mathematics - GED Mathematical Reasoning Exam (Mathematics)
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