弊社は無料Cloudera CCA-505サンプルを提供します
Credit Cardは今まで全世界の一番安全の支払方式です。少数の手続きの費用かかる必要がありますとはいえ、保障があります。お客様の利益を保障するために、弊社のCCA-505問題集は全部Credit Cardで支払われることができます。
君が弊社のCloudera CCA-505をご購入になってから、我々の承諾する一年間の更新サービスが無料で得られています。弊社の専門家たちは毎日更新状態を検査していますから、この一年間、更新されたら、弊社は更新されたCloudera CCA-505をお客様のメールアドレスにお送りいたします。だから、お客様はいつもタイムリーに更新の通知を受けることができます。我々は購入した一年間でお客様がずっと最新版のCloudera CCA-505を持っていることを保証します。
弊社のCloudera CCA-505を利用すれば試験に合格できます
弊社のCloudera CCA-505は専門家たちが長年の経験を通して最新のシラバスに従って研究し出した勉強資料です。弊社はCCA-505問題集の質問と答えが間違いないのを保証いたします。
この問題集は過去のデータから分析して作成されて、カバー率が高くて、受験者としてのあなたを助けて時間とお金を節約して試験に合格する通過率を高めます。我々の問題集は的中率が高くて、100%の合格率を保証します。我々の高質量のCloudera CCA-505を利用すれば、君は一回で試験に合格できます。
我々は弊社のCCA-505問題集に自信を持っていますから、試験に失敗したら返金する承諾をします。我々のCloudera CCA-505を利用して君は試験に合格できると信じています。もし試験に失敗したら、我々は君の支払ったお金を君に全額で返して、君の試験の失敗する経済損失を減少します。
Cloudera Certified Administrator for Apache Hadoop (CCAH) CDH5 Upgrade 認定 CCA-505 試験問題:
1. On a cluster running CDH 5.0 or above, you use the hadoop fs -put command to write a 300MB file into a previously empty directory using an HDFS block of 64MB. Just after this command has finished writing 200MB of this file, what would another use see when they look in the directory?
A) They will see the file with its original name. if they attempt to view the file, they will get a ConcurrentFileAccessException until the entire file write is completed on the cluster
B) They will see the file with a ._COPYING_extension on its name. If they attempt to view the file, they will get a ConcurrentFileAccessException until the entire file write is completed on the cluster.
C) The directory will appear to be empty until the entire file write is completed on the cluster
D) They will see the file with a ._COPYING_ extension on its name. if they view the file, they will see contents of the file up to the last completed block (as each 64MB block is written, that block becomes available)
2. ---
Your cluster has the following characteristics:
A rack aware topology is configured and on
Replication is not set to 3
Cluster block size is set to 64 MB
Which describes the file read process when a client application connects into the cluster and requests a 50MB file?
A) The client queries the NameNode for the locations of the block, and reads from the first location in the list it receives.
B) The client queries the NameNode for the locations of the block, and reads all three copies. The first copy to complete transfer to the client is the one the client reads as part of Hadoop's speculative execution framework.
C) The client queries the NameNode for the locations of the block, and reads from a random location in the list it retrieves to eliminate network I/O leads by balancing which nodes it retrieves data from at any given time.
D) The client queries the NameNode which retrieves the block from the nearest DataNode to the client and then passes that block back to the client.
3. Which three basic configuration parameters must you set to migrate your cluster from MapReduce1 (MRv1) to MapReduce v2 (MRv2)?
A) Configure the NodeManager to enable MapReduce services on YARN by adding
following property in yarn-site.xml:
B) Configure the number of map tasks per job on YARN by setting the following property in
C) Configure a default scheduler to run on YARN by setting the following property in
D) Configure the ResourceManager hostname and enable node services on YARN by
setting the following property in yarn-site.xml:
E) Configure MapReduce as a framework running on YARN by setting the following
property in mapred-site.xml:
F) Configure the NodeManager hostname and enable services on YARN by setting the
following property in yarn-site.xml:
4. You are the hadoop fs -put command to add a file "sales.txt" to HDFS. This file is small enough that it fits into a single block, which is replicated to three nodes in your cluster (with a replication factor of 3). One of the nodes holding this file (a single block) fails. How will the cluster handle the replication of this file in this situation/
A) The file will be re-replicated automatically after the NameNode determines it is under replicated based on the block reports it receives from the DataNodes
B) The file will remain under-replicated until the administrator brings that nodes back online
C) The cluster will re-replicate the file the next time the system administrator reboots the NameNode daemon (as long as the file's replication doesn't fall two)
D) This file will be immediately re-replicated and all other HDFS operations on the cluster will halt until the cluster's replication values are restored
質問 # 1 正解: D | 質問 # 2 正解: D | 質問 # 3 正解: B、D、F | 質問 # 4 正解: D |