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Adobe AD0-E704 問題集



試験名称:Adobe Certified Master Magento Commerce Architect



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無料問題集AD0-E704 資格取得

質問 1:
Which of the following task can't be performed using command-line interface in Magento?
A. Create front-end user.
B. Generating non-existent classes such as factories and interceptors for plug-ins, generating the dependency injection configuration for the object manager.
C. Create admin user.
D. Managing indexes, including reindexing.

質問 2:
Suppose you are building an inquiry form using uicomponent. It has a feature that customer can edit the submitted data later if he wants to edit. What should the logic here to implement, in order to enable the form for re-edit:
A. DataProvider class provides getDataSourceData() method which is responsible for data loading.
B. DataProvider class provides execute() method which is responsible for data loading.
C. DataProvider class provides prepare() method which is responsible for data loading.
D. DataProvider class provides getData() method which is responsible for data loading.

質問 3:
You are implementing a custom module MyCompany_MyModule which displays a new link in the Action column in the Orders grid. The purpose of this link is to synchronize the order summary data with an ERP system. You must make permissions to use this link manageable with the Magento ACL.
Which two steps are required to do this?
A. Add a controller MyCompany\MyModule\Controller\Adminhtml\Synchronize\Orders and specify a valid value for the ADMIN_REROURCE Constant
B. Add the configuration of the new link with aclResource value for the sales_order_grid. xmi
C. Add a plugin On \Magento\Sales\Ui\Component\Listing\Column\ViewAction: :prepareDataSource to add link and Check permission
D. Add a plugin on the grid\Magento\Framework\view\Eiement\UIComponent\DataProvider\DataProvider to add the link and check permissions

質問 4:
You want to display customized product list along with it's tier prices. To render this price which class should be used and which data needs to be provided ?
A. None of these
B. In layout xml, use class= Magento\Catalog\Pricing\Render and
price_render argument= product.price.render.default
C. In layout xml, use class= Magento\Catalog\Pricing\Render and
price_render argument= product.price.render.tier
D. In layout xml, use class= Magento\Catalog\Pricing\Render and
price_render argument= product.price.render.simple

質問 5:
You are working on a new feature to allow multiple vendors for various products. To display vendors you add a custom fieldset component and select with the name myCompanyVendors. It will be shown if the number of vendors is more than one.
To do this you implement a custom method on your component:

How do you cause the method to be called when the value of options change?




A. Option A
B. Option C
C. Option D
D. Option B

質問 6:
You are working on a project with custom code located in an observer MyCompany\MyModule\Observer\Custom on the catalog_product_load_before event. How do you prevent your custom observer from being executed on a staging preview?
A. By adding your observer to the bannedobserver parameter of Magento\staging\Model\Event\Manager using di. xml
B. No action is required, the catalog_product_ioad_before event is excluded from the execution on staging preview
C. By specifying an attribute excude_from_staging_previwe*=''i'' in the declaration of the observer in the events.xml file
D. By moving your observer to the staged_catalog_product_load_before event

質問 7:
A Magento site is experiencing an issue where a fatal out of memory error occurs during a custom bulk catalog import process. Here is the code:

A. UseMagento\Model\Entity\Collection\AbstractCollection: :setPage to iterate through the collection in chunks
B. Call Magento\Framework\Data\Collection: setMemoryLimit to increase PHP's memory limit
C. Use a \Magento\Framework\Model\ResourceModel\iterator to walk through the collection row-by-row
D. Inject an instance Of Uagento\Catalog\model\ResourceModel\Product\IteratingCollectionFactory into your code instead

質問 8:
You are writing a new method for retrieving the level of the category in a category tree by its ID. You have a select query:

With the Staging functionality enabled, the returned category level value changes over time while the category tree stays the same. How do you fix this issue?
A. Replace Scategoryld With ScategoryResource->getEntityId(ScategoryId)
B. Replace Scategoryld With ScategoryResource->getLinkId(Scategoryld)
C. Add filters based on updated_in and created.in for Staging compatibility
D. Replace $categoryResource->geTLinkField() with ScategoryResource->getEntityIdField()


君が弊社のAdobe AD0-E704をご購入になってから、我々の承諾する一年間の更新サービスが無料で得られています。弊社の専門家たちは毎日更新状態を検査していますから、この一年間、更新されたら、弊社は更新されたAdobe AD0-E704をお客様のメールアドレスにお送りいたします。だから、お客様はいつもタイムリーに更新の通知を受けることができます。我々は購入した一年間でお客様がずっと最新版のAdobe AD0-E704を持っていることを保証します。

Adobe AD0-E704 認定試験の出題範囲:

トピック 1
  • Demonstrate understanding of advanced capabilities in Magento Commerce
  • Demonstrate understanding UiComponents architecture
トピック 2
  • Demonstrate understanding of frontend security with Magento
  • Demonstrate an ability to operate with attribute options
トピック 3
  • Demonstrate an understanding of catalog indexers
  • Demonstrate understanding of target rules
トピック 4
  • Demonstrate understanding of catalog staging and its impact on the system
  • Demonstrate an ability to use non-catalog EAV entities
トピック 5
  • Demonstrate understanding of different types of attacks and preventing them with Magento
  • Demonstrate an ability to customize and extend the checkout process
トピック 6
  • Demonstrate understanding of the admin login process and admin actions processing
  • Determine advanced uses of the Magento configuration system
トピック 7
  • Describe the EAV data access process in Magento
  • Create and debug shipping and payment methods in Magento
トピック 8
  • Understand the Magento quote architecture and customizing quote-related functionality
  • Demonstrate an ability to operate with Magento blocks and templates
トピック 9
  • Demonstrate an ability to design complex customizations using plugins and di.xml
  • Describe the database tables for EAV entities and how to create them
トピック 10
  • Demonstrate understanding of the staging workflow
  • Demonstrate advanced use of Magento layouts
トピック 11
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the product search framework
  • Demonstrate understanding of customer segmentation



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AD0-E704 関連試験
AD0-E708 - Adobe Commerce Business Practitioner Expert
AD0-E718 - Adobe Commerce Architect Master
AD0-E710 - Adobe Commerce Front-End Developer Expert
AD0-E722 - Adobe Commerce Architect Master
AD0-E711 - Adobe Commerce Developer Professional
 [email protected] サポート


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