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IBM A4040-121 問題集



試験名称:Assessment: Virtualization Technical Support for IBM i -v1



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質問 1:
After installing a client AIX partition, supported by a hosting IBM i 7.1 partition, each subsequent IPL of the AIX partition boots to "System Management Services" mode.
Where should the change to boot the AIX environment to "Normal" mode be made?
A. In the client AIX partition profile --> Settings --> Boot Mode
B. In the client AIX partition --> bosboot --> bosboot -n -f
C. In the hosting IBM i partition profile --> Settings --> Boot Mode
D. In the "Properties" section of the AIX partition --> Keylock Position

質問 2:
There are three Power Systems servers with redundant FSPs, and two HMCs. One HMC is in the data center while the second is in operations. Each HMC is connected to its own private network and each of the three systems are connected to both HMCs.
Two of the Power Systems servers and the HMC in the data center have been moved across the room. They have been reconnected to the HMC network, and power has been applied to the HMC and the first server. On the data center HMC the server shows up twice, once with "Authentication failed" and the second with "no connection." Connecting to ASM yields "incorrect password" on the first instance, but works on the second instance.
What the most likely cause?
A. The service processors have different HMC access passwords.
B. The firmware on the service processors is out of sync.
C. The data center and operations HMCs are now on the same network.
D. Power was applied to the server before the HMC was up and running.

質問 3:
A customer has a single-partition Power 720 running IBM i. They would like to install some additional adapters and implement 5 additional partitions. In addition to installing the adapters and configuring an HMC, what else is necessary?
A. Create a new partition and profile for the original LPAR with only the resources the partition
needs. Create partitions and profiles forth additional partitions.
Delete the original partition.
Suspend the existing partition.
B. Configure the new partitions.
Activate the new profiles to remove "required" features of the existing partition.
C. Modify the profile of the existing partition and concurrently enable it.
Resume the existing partition.
Create partitions and profiles for the additional LPARs.
D. Modify the existing partition profile to not "use all resources in system" and own only what it
needs. Reactivate the profile.
Create partitions and profiles for the additional partitions.

質問 4:
A client IBM i 7.1 partition is being hosted by dual VIO Server partitions (VIOS-1 & VIOS-2). A Shared Ethernet Adapter (SEA) has been created in order to provide Ethernet failover capability for the IBM i partition. The IBM i partition will use the Ethernet resources of the VIO Server partitions.
How many virtual Ethernet adapters need to be defined on the HMCI in the IBM i client, and VIO Server partition profiles to support SEA and failover?
A. IBM i Client: 1 adapter: VIOS-1: 1 adapter VIOS-2: 1 adapter
B. IBM i Client: 1 adapter VIOS-1: 2 adapters VIOS-2: 2 adapters
C. IBM i Client: 2 adapters VIOS-1: 2 adapters VIOS-2: 2 adapters
D. IBM i Client: 2 adapters VIOS-1: 1 adapter VIOS-2: 1 adapter

質問 5:
What is the minimum required configuration in a client LPAR to virtualize disk storage from a host IBM i LPAR to the client IBM i LPAR?
A. One network storage description
B. One NWSD and one vSCSI client adapter
C. One vSCSI client adapter
D. One vSCSI client adapter and one NWSSTG

質問 6:
A Power 720 system has a VIO Server (VIOS) partition configured completely in the CEO. The VIOS partition hosts IBM i client partitions which require access to the DVD drive in the CEO. How is this accomplished?
A. Use VIOS to map the DVD drive to the IBM i client partition.
B. Use DLPAR to move the DVD drive between partitions as needed.
C. Create an image catalog in the IBM i client partition and map itto the DVD drive.
D. Create a shared vSOSI link from VIOS to each IBM i client partition and mapthe DVD drive to each partition.

質問 7:
A POWER7 server is being configured with 1 hosting IBM i partition and 4 client IBM i partitions. All partitions will run IBM i 7.1, TR4. The hosting partition is providing network support to the client partitions and needs both redundancy and best bandwidth.
What connectivity on the host partition will support these requirements?
A. Configure two or more Ethernet lines. Create a Virtual IP address for the host partition. Configure Showler routes to the local network for load balancing.
B. Configure two or more Ethernet lines. Use the lines to create redundant bridges to the internal vLANs used by the client partitions.
C. Using two or more physical Ethernet resources configure an aggregated link to the switch and use this for IP address of the host partition.
D. Using two or more physical Ethernet resources configure an aggregated link to the switch and use this for the bridge to the internal vLANs used by the client partitions.

質問 8:
A client IBM i partition running 6.1 is being upgraded to 7.1 using an image catalog on an IBM i 6.1 partition. The image catalog is loaded into a virtual optical device and made available to the client partition using a Network Server Description and virtual SCSI adapters.
Which statement is correct?
A. The virtual optical device performs as a library in IBM i 6.1.
B. The device will show on the client with the same name as on the host.
C. The virtual optical device should be specified in the NWSD before it can be seen by the client partition.
D. The next volumes will have to be mounted manually, one by one.

質問 9:
A client IBM i partition, with multipath SAN disk provided by dual VIO Servers, has used most of its available storage. Extra disk storage is required.
Several spare LUN5 (hdisks) are already mapped to the VIO Servers.
The administrator runs identical commands on the VIO Servers to create the bridging devices to define the two new LUNs to the client partition.
SST on the IBM i partition shows 4 new1 unconfigured disks.
Which statement explains why4 disks appeared, instead of 2?
A. Four disks will show until configured as multipath.
B. Four disks will show until mirroring is started in IBM i.
C. The LUNs were incorrectly mapped on theVIOservers.
D. The disks were not identified as multipath on the VIO Servers.



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IBM Assessment: Virtualization Technical Support for IBM i -v1 認定 A4040-121 試験問題:

1. The key reason to increase the number of virtual I/O slots from the default value when a partition is created is because____________

A) unused virtual adapter slots consume no resources.
B) increasing the number later will require DLPAR of the individual slots.
C) naming convention policy can only be set during partition creation.
D) increasing the number later will require the partition to be stopped.

2. A customer has purchased a new BladeCenter H (BCH) and POWER blade to run IBM i. The POWER blade is configured with two Fibre Channel interlaces for attaching SAN and tape.
They have an IBM TS3500 tape library with a fibre channel connection, and current firmware is running through a fibre switch to another IBM i system. One port on the existing switch and one port in the BCH fibre switch has been zoned to provide a connection from the tape library to the BCH.
After IBM i 7.1 SLIC and base OS are installed on the blade from IBM distribution media, the tape library does not appear in the device configuration.
What is the most likely cause of the problem?

A) The existing switch does not support NPIV.
B) NPIV enablement was omitted when configuring the BCH switch.
C) A switch-to-switch cable is required. A switch to device cable was shipped with the BCH by default.
D) The BCH switch configuration must match the link speed of the TS3500.

3. A system administrator has configured 3 partitions, each using 1 of 3 shared processor pools. All are active and working as designed.
One of the partitions using one of the shared processor pools will be shut down and the resources allocated to the other 2 pools.
Which is the correct sequence of actions to accomplish the goal?

A) Create a new shared-processor pool.
Merge all three shared-pools into the new pool using Live Partition Mobility
Shut down and remove the partition definition.
B) Shut down the partition that is using the shared processor pool.
Change the maximum processing units to zero.
Assign the processor capacityto another pool.
C) Merge the shared-processor pool to be removed into one of the other pools.
Shut down the partition by deactivating it from the HMC.
Plush the memory cache by deactivating the shared-processor pool.
Delete the shared-processor pool.
D) Change the minimum processor for the partition to zero.
Shut down the partition by deactivating it from the HMC.
Delete the shared-processor pool.

4. In order to suspend an IBM i partition1 which hardware resources need to be virtualized?

A) All disk resources
B) All networking resources
C) All SCSI resources
D) All resources

5. In the following example, the VIO Server partitions each provide disk to a client IBM i partition. The client IBM i partition has mirrored the disk presented to it.

Contact with one VIO Server is lost, and the disk it presents to the client shows as "suspended" in IBM i. Once contact has been re-established, what action must the administrator take?

A) Run the varyonvg command on bothVIOServers.
B) Recover the disk with the mdadm command on the VIO Server providing the failed disk.
C) Use System Service Tools to verify and resume mirroring, if necessary.
D) Run the varyonvg command on theVIOServer providing the failed disk. From System Service Tools, resume mirroredprotection in the client partition.


質問 # 1
正解: D
質問 # 2
正解: A
質問 # 3
正解: B
質問 # 4
正解: D
質問 # 5
正解: C

A4040-121 関連試験
C4040-221 - AIX 7 Administration
C4040-121 - Virtualization Technical Support for IBM i -v1
A4040-221 - Assessment: AIX 7 Administration
A4120-784 - Assessment: IBM PureFlex Technical Expert V1
C4120-784 - IBM PureFlex Technical Expert V1
 [email protected] サポート


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