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EC-COUNCIL 312-50 問題集



試験名称:Ethical Hacker Certified



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無料問題集312-50 資格取得

質問 1:
What does the following command in "Ettercap" do?
ettercap -NCLzs -quiet
A. This command broadcasts ping to scan the LAN instead of ARP request all the subset IPs
B. This command will detach ettercap from console and log all the sniffed passwords to a file
C. This command will provide you the entire list of hosts in the LAN
D. This command will check if someone is poisoning you and will report its IP
解説: (Topexam メンバーにのみ表示されます)

質問 2:
Angela is trying to access an education website that requires a username and password to login. When Angela clicks on the link to access the login page, she gets an error message stating that the page can't be reached. She contacts the website's support team and they report that no one else is having any issues with the site. After handing the issue over to her company's IT department, it is found that the education website requires any computer accessing the site must be able to respond to a ping from the education's server. Since Angela's computer is behind a corporate firewall, her computer can't ping the education website back.
What ca Angela's IT department do to get access to the education website?
A. Use a Internet browser other than the one that Angela is currently using
B. Change the settings on the firewall all outbound traffic on port 80
C. Change the settings on the firewall to allow all incoming traffic on port 80
D. Change the IP on Angela's Computer to an address outside the firewall
解説: (Topexam メンバーにのみ表示されます)

質問 3:
There are two types of honeypots- high and low interaction. Which of these describes a low interaction honeypot?
Select the best answers.
A. More likely to be penetrated
B. Emulators of vulnerable programs
C. More detectable
D. Tend to be used for research
E. Tend to be used for production
F. Easier to deploy and maintain
解説: (Topexam メンバーにのみ表示されます)

質問 4:
Eric has discovered a fantastic package of tools named Dsniff on the Internet. He has learnt to use these tools in his lab and is now ready for real world exploitation. He was able to effectively intercept communications between the two entities and establish credentials with both sides of the connections. The two remote ends of the communication never notice that Eric is relaying the information between the two.
What would you call this attack?
A. ARP Proxy
B. Interceptor
C. Poisoning Attack
D. Man-in-the-middle
解説: (Topexam メンバーにのみ表示されます)

質問 5:
LAN Manager passwords are concatenated to 14 bytes and split in half. The two halves are hashed individually. If the password is 7 characters or less, than the second half of the hash is always:
A. 0xAAD3B435B51404EE
B. 0xAAD3B435B51404BB
C. 0xAAD3B435B51404CC
D. 0xAAD3B435B51404AA
解説: (Topexam メンバーにのみ表示されます)

質問 6:
What does an ICMP (Code 13) message normally indicates?
A. It indicates to the host that the datagram which triggered the source quench message will need to be re-sent
B. It is a request to the host to cut back the rate at which it is sending traffic to the Internet destination
C. It indicates that the destination host is unreachable
D. It indicates that the packet has been administratively dropped in transit
解説: (Topexam メンバーにのみ表示されます)

質問 7:
Which of the following is NOT a valid NetWare access level?
A. Not Logged in
B. Logged in
C. Console Access
D. Administrator
解説: (Topexam メンバーにのみ表示されます)

弊社のEC-COUNCIL 312-50を利用すれば試験に合格できます

弊社のEC-COUNCIL 312-50は専門家たちが長年の経験を通して最新のシラバスに従って研究し出した勉強資料です。弊社は312-50問題集の質問と答えが間違いないのを保証いたします。


この問題集は過去のデータから分析して作成されて、カバー率が高くて、受験者としてのあなたを助けて時間とお金を節約して試験に合格する通過率を高めます。我々の問題集は的中率が高くて、100%の合格率を保証します。我々の高質量のEC-COUNCIL 312-50を利用すれば、君は一回で試験に合格できます。

EC-COUNCIL 312-50 認定試験の出題範囲:

トピック 1
  • Introduction to Ethical Hacking: This module covers ethical hacking fundamentals such as elements of information security, Chain Methodology, Hacker Classes, Risk Management, DSS, HIPPA, and SOX.
トピック 2
  • Cloud Computing: This section covers types of cloud computing, cloud deployment, Fog and Edge computing, cloud service providers, serverless computing, and cloud attacks.
トピック 3
  • Enumeration: The current domain covers NetBIOS Enumeration, SNMP, NFS, SMTP Enumeration and also covers DNS Cache Snooping and VoIP Enumeration.
トピック 4
  • System Hacking: This section covers password cracking, wire sniffing, buffer overflow, keylogger, spyware, anti-keyloggers, rootKits, post-exploitation, and covering tracks.
トピック 5
  • Hacking Web Servers: This section covers web server operations, web server attacks, DNS Server Hijacking, website defacement, Web Cache Positioning Attack, web server security tools, and patch management tools.
トピック 6
  • Social Engineering: This section of the exam covers social engineering types, Phishing, insider threats, and identity theft.
トピック 7
  • Evading IDS, Firewalls, and Honeypots: This section covers intrusion detection systems, firewall types, intrusion prevention, intrusion detection tools, Evading NAC Endpoint security, IDS
  • Firewall Evading Tools, and Honeypot detection tools.
トピック 8
  • Sniffing: This module covers sniffing, MAC flooding, MAC Spoofing, DNS Poisoning tools, and Sniffing tools.
トピック 9
  • Session Hijacking: This section covers types of session hacking, Spoofing, client-side attacks, session replay attacks, CRIME attacks, and Hijacking tools.
トピック 10
  • IoT and OT Hacking: In this section, topics covered IoT Architecture, IoT Communication, top ten IoT threats, ICS and SCADA, OT Vulnerabilities, and OT Security Tools.
トピック 11
  • Scanning Networks: The topics covered in this module include network scanning, host discovery, port scanning, OS Discovery, and packet Fragmentation.
トピック 12
  • Hacking Web Applications: This section covers web applications architecture, web application threats, application security risks, web shell, web API Hacking Methodology.
トピック 13
  • SQL Injection: In this section, topics covered SQJ injection, SQJ Injection methodology, tools signature evasion, and injection detection tools.
トピック 14
  • Cryptography: This section covers cryptography, Encryption Algorithms, Cryptography tools, disk encryption, and Key Stretching.
トピック 15
  • Vulnerability Analysis: It covers vulnerability research, assessment, management and lifecycle, classification, and assessment tools.
トピック 16
  • Hacking Mobile Platforms: This section covers Mobile Platform Attack Vectors, App sandboxing, SMS Phishing attacks, hacking Android devices, and mobile security tools.
トピック 17
  • Foot Printing and Reconnaissance: In this module, candidates are tested for performing footprinting on the target network, and performing website, email, whois, and DNS footprinting. Other topics include Advanced Google Hacking Techniques, Deep and Dark Web Footprinting, Website Mirroring, Traceout Analysis, and other tools.
トピック 18
  • Malware Threats: This section covers Malware components, APT, Trojan, Virus, Ransomware, Worms, Virus detection, and Anti-trojan software.
トピック 19
  • Hacking Wireless Networks: This section covers wireless terminology, wireless networks, encryption, wireless threats, Wi-Fi encryption cracking, Bluetooth hacking, Wi-Fi security auditing, and Bluetooth security tools.



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312-50 関連試験
412-79v8 - EC-Council Certified Security Analyst (ECSA)
312-38 - EC-Council Certified Network Defender CND
EC0-350 - Ethical hacking and countermeasures
312-50v10 - Certified Ethical Hacker Exam (CEH v10)
EC0-349 - Computer Hacking Forensic Investigator
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