質問 1:Which default document information can be set through a META element?
A. Text direction
B. Scripting language
C. Language
D. Style sheet language
E. Document character encoding
質問 2:Which of the following methods of the ResultSet class can be used to extract data of SQL type INTEGER without risk of lost precision?
A. getBlob()
B. getDouble()
C. getShort()
D. getLong()
E. getString()
質問 3:A developer wants to make use of a pre-existing tag library in a JSP. One of the tags in the library takes in two numbers, adds them together and outputs the result. The following directive appears at the top of the JSP that will use the tag:
<%@ taglib uri="http://www.mycorp/addition" prefix="calculate" />
Given the following except from the tag library descriptor, what syntax would the developer use in order to use the tag called add that adds the two numbers together?
A. <calculate:add>first="5",second="10"</calculate:add>
B. <calculator:add first="5" second="10" />
C. <addition:add first="5" second="10" />
D. <calculate:add first="5" second="10" />
質問 4:Given the following use of the useBean action tag:
<jsp:useBean id="car" class="com.myauto.Car" />
With which scope shall this bean be associated?
A. session
B. page
C. request
D. application
質問 5:Refer to the exhibit to answer the question.
Consider the Employees relation defined in the exhibit and the Java code segment defined below:
Statement s = con.createStatement();
ResultSet rs = s.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM Employees " +
"WHERE EmployeeID >= 10002 AND " +
"EmployeeID <= 10004");
Which code segments display the entire content of the result set assuming that columns EmployeeID and Extension are of SQL type SMALLINT and column Name is of SQL type VARCHAR?
A. while (rs.next())
B. do
} while (rs.next())
C. while (rs.next())
D. do
} while (rs.next())
E. while (rs.next())
質問 6:Which attributes are used to control the size of a cell in HTML?
A. rowsize, cellsize
B. th, tf
C. rowspan, colspan
D. tr, td
質問 7:What is best method for obtaining a home interface for a bean named Employee?
A. Context initCtx = InitialContext.getDefaultContext();
Object o = initCtx.lookup("EmployeeHome");
EmployeeHome empHome = (EmployeeHome)
B. Context initCtx = InitialContext.getDefaultContext();
EmployeeHome empHome = (EmployeeHome)
C. Context initCtx = new InitialContext(System.getProperties());
Object o = initCtx.lookup("EmployeeHome");
EmployeeHome empHome = (EmployeeHome)
D. Context initCtx = new InitialContext(System.getProperties());
EmployeeHome empHome = (EmployeeHome)
質問 8:Which two of the following scopes could be used to share client-specific information between a servlet and a JSP page?
A. ServletContext/Application
B. HttpSession
C. HttpServletRequest
D. PageContext
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CIW Web DevelopER(JCERT) 認定 1D0-532 試験問題:
1. A client browser has cookies turned off and is interacting with a servlet that is using HTTP sessions for client state management. According to J2EE Patterns best practices, which technique or technology should be used by the servlet programmer in order to maintain this client's state?
A) Servlet events
B) Servlet filters
C) Client-side certificates
D) Use of persistent sessions
E) Hidden fields
F) URL encoding
G) Creation of a new session at the beginning of the service method
2. Which of the following is considered the best way to design a flexible API that does not require a servlet per activity?
A) Embed the activity name in a hidden field. Let the servlet read the field to determine what must occur.
B) Create a query string containing the activity name as a parameter. Let the servlet read the parameter to determine what must occur.
C) Use a servlet mapping to make requests with the same suffix. Change the prefix to the action and let the servlet read the whole URL to determine what is required.
3. Which of the following is the best way to ensure that a servlet will only process a single request at a time?
A) synchronize doPost()
B) implement SingleThreadModel
C) synchronize doGet()
D) implement as Singleton
4. EJB clients must supply which two of the following pieces of information in order to use JNDI services?
A) The class name of the initial context factory
B) The DataSource name for a JDBC database
C) The IP address of a Web container
D) A provider URL detailing the location of the name tree
5. Which two of the following should be avoided in order for a servlet that does not implement the SingleThreadModel to be thread safe?
A) Local variables
B) Instance methods
C) Class variables
D) Instance variables
E) Class methods
質問 # 1 正解: F | 質問 # 2 正解: C | 質問 # 3 正解: B | 質問 # 4 正解: A、D | 質問 # 5 正解: C、D |