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Lotus 190-805 問題集



試験名称:Using Web Services in IBM Lotus Domino 8 Applications



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無料問題集190-805 資格取得

質問 1:
Liz wrote a LotusScript Web service method with the following structure: Public Function lookupPersonInfo (personName As String) As PersonInfo '** do the lookup, return the information in our custom PersonInfo data typeEnd Function PersonInfo is a complex data type that is used to return various pieces of information in a single object. How does Liz need to define this complex data type in her LotusScript Web service code?
A. As a Private Function calledPersonInfo_Type within the class that defines the Web service
B. As a separate Private class
C. As a separate Public class
D. As a customLotusScript Type

質問 2:
Frances has a Web services client that generates the following SOAP message when calling a Domino Web service that has been written in LotusScript: <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF8'?> <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"> <SOAP-ENV:Body><ns1:GETPERSONINFO xmlns:ns1="urn:DefaultNamespace"SOAPENV:encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/"> <PNAME xsi:type="ns1:PERSONNAME"><FIRSTNAME xsi:type="xsd:string">Billy Bob</FIRSTNAME> <LASTNAME xsi:type="xsd:string">Brubaker</LASTNAME> </PNAME> </ns1:GETPERSONINFO> </SOAP-ENV:Body> </SOAP-ENV:Envelope> Based on the structure of this message, which of the following represents the possible signature of the LotusScript function that implements the "GetPersonInfo" method?
A. FunctionGetPersonInfo (firstName As String, lastName As String) As PersonName
B. Function GetPersonInfo (pname As PersonName, firstName As String, lastName As String) As PersonInfo
C. FunctionGetPersonInfo (pname As PersonName) As PersonInfo
D. FunctionGetPersonInfo (pinfo As PersonInfo) As PersonName

質問 3:
Examine the following WSDL excerpt: <wsdl:portType
name="GetEmployeeInfo"> <wsdl:operation name="GETEMPNAME"><wsdl:input
message="impl:GETEMPNAMERequest" name="GETEMPNAMERequest"/><wsdl:output
message="impl:GETEMPNAMEResponse" name="GETEMPNAMEResponse"/>
<wsdl:operation name="GETEMPID"> <wsdl:input message="impl:GETEMPIDRequest"
name="GETEMPIDRequest"/><wsdl:output message="impl:GETEMPIDResponse"
name="GETEMPIDResponse"/></wsdl:operation> </wsdl:portType> Paola is developing a
Web service to supply the appropriate response(s) for the operations represented in the WSDL.
many of what type(s) of LotusScript code blocks must she create?
A. The PortType class will be named "GetEmployeeInfo". Paola must create 2 private methods, functions, or subs within this class, named "GETEMPNAME" and
B. The PortType class will be named "GetEmployeeInfo". Paola must create 2 public methods, functions, or subs, and they must be named "GETEMPNAMEResponse"
C. The PortType class will be named "GetEmployeeInfo". Paola must create 2 private methods, functions, or subs within this class, named "GetEmpNameResponse"
D. The PortType class will be named "GetEmployeeInfo". Paola must create 2 public methods, functions, or subs, and they must be named "GetEmpName" and

質問 4:
Cassie has been asked to help her team learn how to develop and deploy Domino Web services. She is writing descriptions of some of the standards and protocols used in Web services. What are some distinctions among SOAP, XML, and WSDL?
A. XML iseXtensible Markup Language. SOAP is based on XML, and is the foundation for a Web service. WSDL is the data layer of a Web service, and is based on
B. SOAP is a format for exchanging 'envelopes' between applications. Messages sent in SOAP envelopes between applications are written in XML. WSDL is a
C. WSDL is an extensible format for exchanging messages between applications. A SOAP document is a set of definitions, describing operations and protocols
D. The data request and response messages of a Web service are sent in WSDL format.
E. Web services are written using the XML markup language.
F. SOAP is an extensible format for exchanging messages between applications. A WSDL document is a set of definitions, describing operations and protocols
G. Domino Web services reference WSDL libraries in order to
H. XML is a markup language; SOAP and WSDL are encoded using XML.

質問 5:
Avery has the following method in his Web service class: Public Function
GetEmployeeID(personnameAs String) As Stringresult=GetEmployeeDocument(personname) If result = "OK" Then GetEmployeeID =GetIDField("ID") Else GetEmployeeID = "ERROR" End If
End Function Private Function GetEmployeeDocument(personname As String) As String Set employeedb=New NotesDatabase("","employee.nsf") Set employeeview = employeedb.GetView("EmployeeName") Set employeedoc = employeeview.GetDocumentByKey(personname, True) GetEmployeeDocument="OK" End Function Private Function GetIDField(FieldName As String) Set item=vendordoc.GetFirstItem(FieldName) If item Is Nothing Then GetIDField="" Exit Function ElseGetIDField=Cstr(item.Values(0)) End If End Function He is trying to call the GetEmployeeDocument method from his SOAP call, but it does not work. Why is this happening?
A. The GetEmployeeDocument method is defined as Private.
B. The GetEmployeeDocument method did not receive a String argument.
C. The "fieldName" parameter in the GetEmployeeDocument method acts as an inout parameter.
D. The GetEmployeeDocument method returned an invalid SOAP string.

質問 6:
Roosevelt wants to write a Domino Web service that queries the Notes database in which it resides, and returns a String result based on that query. What is the easiest way for him to write this Web service?
A. Using Formula language with a simple @DbLookup
B. Using the "Simple Action" option in the Web service design element that queries a Notes view
C. By customizing one of the default Web services in the database that queries views and returns a result
D. UsingLotusScript or Java

質問 7:
Manju has coded the following two lines in his SOAP request envelope:<stock xsi:type="xsd:string">IBM</stock> <currency xsi:type="xsd:string">USD</currency> What type of data is being passed to the Web service with these statements?
A. Complex data types
B. Defined data types
C. Object data types
D. Simple data types



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Lotus Using Web Services in IBM Lotus Domino 8 Applications 認定 190-805 試験問題:

1. Chuckie is writing a Web service, and one of his methods takes a parameter called "TimeOfDay". He wants to restrict this parameter to accept only the following values: * Morning * Afternoon * Evening He wants to set up a data type that defines this set of values that are allowed. What does he need to use in order to accomplish this?

A) Array
B) Enumeration
C) List
D) Complex Data Type

2. Patrick has written the following code in the (Declarations) section of his LotusScript Web service:
Const MSG_SUCCESS = "Success" Const MSG_ERROR = "Error" Class NumberTest '** various
methods within this class... End Class How do the MSG_SUCCESS and
MSG_ERROR constants appear in the WSDL file that is generated?

A) In the <wsdl:types> section, as Enumerations with a single element
B) They don't appear
C) As separate <wsdl:message> elements
D) In the <wsdl:types> section, in the "Constants" Enumeration

3. What are the four subelements that may be found within a valid SOAP 1.1 fault?

A) faultcode, faultstring, faultactor, detail
B) FaultCode, FaultString, FaultActor, FaultDetail
C) faultCode, faultString, faultActor, faultDetail
D) code, string, actor, detail

4. Eloise has created a Domino Web service to provide on-hand inventory data to her companies suppliers. She would like to check the performance of the Web service. What step(s) must Eloise follow to enable profiling of her Web service?

A) Have a Domino Administratorcreate a Web Service profile for the Web service on the hosting server. From the Security tab of the Web service properties box,
B) From the Security tab of the Web service properties box, check "Profile this Web service."
C) Have a Domino Administratorcreate an Activity Trends profile for the Web service on the hosting server. From the Advanced tab of the database properties box,
D) "
E) From the Advanced tab of the database properties box, check "Enable Web service profiling."
F) "

5. Jerry has coded a function called ConnectToProvider in the GetAccountBalance class in the Declaration section of his Web service. What WSDL element will be used to control the request to and response of the function?

A) wsdl:part
B) wsdl:binding
C) wsdl:message
D) wsdl:method


質問 # 1
正解: B
質問 # 2
正解: B
質問 # 3
正解: A
質問 # 4
正解: B
質問 # 5
正解: C

190-805 関連試験
190-756 - Using Web Services IBM Lotus Domino 7 Applications
190-838 - IBM Lotus Notes Domino 8 Developing Composite Applications
190-801 - IBM Lotus Notes Domino 8 Application Development Update
190-610 - Lotus RE is ND6 Application Development Foundation Skills
190-516 - Using Java in Domino Applications
 [email protected] サポート


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